Keywords: risks, enterprise, qualitative analysis, martial law, risk management


In the conditions of martial law, timely and well-researched qualitative risk analysis by business entities is important to ensure business adaptability to current threats and challenges, maintain its financial stability, and resume its active functioning in the market. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical positions on risk specification and management under martial law. It also provides practical recommendations in the context of qualitative risk analysis on the example of the domestic enterprise "Obolon" PJSC. To achieve this goal, the article uses such methods of scientific cognition as induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, systematization, comparison, specification, tabular and graphical methods, and others. In this article, the risks of domestic enterprises under martial law are examined. The stages of risk management of business entities are defined. The main groups of risks of manufacturing enterprises (financial, technical and operational, commercial, and other) are characterized. The specifics of the most significant risks of enterprises' activities in the context of martial law in Ukraine, such as the risks of business disruption and loss of enterprise property, regulatory, personnel, reputational, energetic risks, risk of dealing with counterparties, and a group of financial risks (currency, inflation, tax, investment, credit, interest, and other risks) are justified. The essence and stages of qualitative risk analysis at an enterprise are defined. The practical value of the article lies in the approbation of qualitative risk analysis on the example of the domestic private joint-stock company "Obolon": the risks caused by the war are identified and substantiated, furthermore, the ways to minimize them are outlined. The dynamics of changes in the financial position of the studied enterprise in the war period in comparison with the pre-war period are analyzed. The strategies and methods of risk management in order to neutralize them are outlined. The prospects for further scientific research in this area are the improvement and further development of the tools for assessing the risks of domestic business entities under martial law.


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How to Cite
Makaliuk , I., Kryvda , O., & Laikova, A. (2024). QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE RISKS OF DOMESTIC ENTERPRISES UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Economy and Society, (62). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-62-73