Keywords: talent management, talent development, talent retention, motivation, strategy, competitiveness


This article is relevant because the modern world is constantly changing, and the success of any organization is closely related to its ability to adapt to these changes. One of the key success factors is the presence of talented and motivated employees, but insufficient attention to their development and motivation can lead to serious problems for the organization, for example, the loss of talented specialists, unmotivated and unqualified employees. Investing in the development and retention of such employees can bring a number of benefits to the organization, such as: increased labor productivity; improving the quality of products and services; decrease in personnel turnover; increasing the level of innovation; increase in profit. This article highlights the importance of human capital for the long-term success of organizations. The purpose of the article is to review the concept of talent management, analyze strategies for their development and preservation, develop recommendations for successful implementation, and demonstrate the importance of effective talent management and its positive impact on the performance of enterprises. The main body of the study covers various aspects of talent management, which include identification, onboarding, development, motivation and retention of talent, as well as evaluation of talent management for further improvement. Development strategies include assessment centers, coaching, mentoring, trainings and courses from the company. Retention of talents takes place at the expense of material and non-material incentives. An important role in this process is played by line managers, as well as interaction between different departments and divisions of the company. The article concludes that talent management is key to the success of any organization, and the implementation of talent development and retention strategies can bring a number of benefits. In addition, the need to invest in the development and retention of competent specialists in a growing competitive environment is highlighted. Based on the given data, it can be concluded that the article has great practical value for enterprises, as it provides specific recommendations for talent management and demonstrates their positive impact on performance.


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How to Cite
Kravchenko, O., & Kravchenko , Y. (2024). INVESTING IN THE FUTURE: DEVELOPING AND RETAINING TALENTED EMPLOYEES. Economy and Society, (62).