The study is devoted to the analysis of the current state and problems of the development of manufacturing enterprises. Approaches to the term "strategic development of enterprises" and their practical significance are defined. The mechanism of the process of choosing the strategic development of a manufacturing enterprise has been formed and specific possible directions of strategic development of manufacturing enterprises in the conditions of martial law have been provided, which will be a guarantee of further development, preservation of profitability and sustainability of enterprises in an uncertain environment. The factors of the external and internal environment that have the greatest influence on the development of production enterprises, factors of uncertainty, directions of strategic development are determined. Also, the main problems of industrial enterprises under martial law are specified and their impact on strategic development is systematized. It was determined that in the conditions of martial law, ensuring the effective operation of production enterprises is one of the key conditions for maintaining the economic situation in the country. Therefore, in the current conditions of an unstable external environment, the issue of ensuring the strategic development of production enterprises is particularly relevant and important. The full-scale invasion of Ukraine became a challenge that radically changed the usual business atmosphere, which is why companies need not only to work efficiently, but also to constantly adapt and develop strategic plans in their activities. In such conditions, the strategic development of manufacturing enterprises is a guarantee of their survival and stability, as well as an important factor in successful adaptation to the new reality. The purpose of the study is the systematization and specification of directions for the strategic development of enterprises under martial law. Among the problems that can be singled out, the most notable is insufficient attention to the importance of the implementation of the development stage in strategic management, a weak mechanism of the process of choosing directions of strategic development, as well as the absence of specific strategic directions of development in war conditions. It has been established that the situation under martial law creates many problems and imposes serious restrictions on the activities of production enterprises, but at the same time gives an impetus to the search for new opportunities and strategic development. Based on the conducted analysis, it is possible to single out several key directions of strategic development, according to which production enterprises can successfully function and even develop.
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