Keywords: team, entity, project, typology, project team, components


The rapid development of the IT sector in Ukraine led to the dynamic implementation of the latest approaches to human resources management. Team, teamwork, corporate culture are increasingly used as synonyms. The team has become an integral part of modern management. in the scientific literature, there is no comprehensive approach to the interpretation of the concept of a project team, as well as approaches to their management. This determines the relevance of the topic of the article and the conducted research. Having considered the scientific sources on the problematic interpretation of the category "team", various approaches to the definition of this concept have been singled out The article considers various approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "team". The main views on understanding what a team is are highlighted. The components of a team that distinguish it from groups of people are a single organizational goal and goals for the achievement of which the team was created, self-organization in the distribution of roles and leadership in the team, team communication (interaction), which helps to effectively exchange information, teamwork as a result of synergy of team members and maximum mobilization to achieve goals, team culture that forms the team, rules and norms of behavior in the team. The typology of teams by team members, by type of self-organization, by type of tasks, by functional direction, by stage of the life cycle is summarized. The definition of the concept of a team as a collective (group) of persons working to achieve a common goal and development through interaction has been developed. A typology of teams by team members has been formed, such types of teams as management, project, work, and virtual. The author's definition of the concept of "project team" is provided as a collective (group) of persons involved in the project and included in the organizational structure of the project to create a new product or value for stakeholders. The peculiarity of the project team in the IT sphere is that new employees are added to the existing teams, so the typical stages of the life cycle of the project team need improvement and further development.


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Kyrychuk , V. (2024). ESSENCE AND TYPOLOGY OF TEAMS. Economy and Society, (62).