Keywords: renewable energy, traditional energy, energy saving, alternative energy, solar energy, wind energy, energy balance


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the renewable energy development in Ukraine and the world. First, the interpretation and classification features of renewable energy sources are considered. Special attention is paid to the analysis and features of the alternative energy sources introduction in the world at the current stage. Based on the analysis, the main advantages of the "green" energy generation methods introduction have been identified. In order to achieve the set goal, it is planned to solve the following tasks: to single out the reasons for the renewable energy sources introduction activation; to analyze the shares of renewable energy sources in different countries of the world; to investigate the alternative energy phenomenon through the SWOT-analysis. The research methodology is based on the use of methods of system analysis and synthesis, which allow to determine the main trends in the renewable energy sources use. It was determined that the share of renewable energy sources in the structure of electricity is historically high in countries with favorable climatic conditions and large hydropower resources. One can admit, that traditional energy sources are used not enough to ensure the human modern life. There is renewable energy conscious and necessary future. The question of using renewable energy sources constantly arises in many countries around the world, which have proven the effectiveness of creating a state independent from exhaustive resources of electricity. The article highlights the reasons for the intensification of the renewable energy sources introduction, analyzes the shares of renewable energy sources in different countries of the world, investigates the phenomenon of alternative energy through the prism of SWOT-analysis, and offers effective solutions to facilitate the practical implementation of new ecologically clean means of energy generation. Prospects for the further implementation of an effective energy saving management mechanism are summarized. The main ways of Ukraine's transition to the alternative energy during the period of reconstruction after the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war are presented.


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How to Cite
Prykhodko, I., Ihnatyshyn , V., & Prykhodko, Y. (2024). FEATURES OF THE RENEWABLE ENERGY DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE AND THE WORLD. Economy and Society, (62). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-62-47