Keywords: business process, economic security, post-war business, business transformation, management process, management


In today's environment, the need to transform the management processes of enterprises is inevitable. Such actions are necessary for companies to better adapt to new conditions, be more flexible and gain an advantage in the competitive struggle during the post-war reconstruction period. Potential areas of such transformation include digitalisation of business entities' management processes, ensuring sustainable supply in the post-war economic recovery, human resource development, increasing management innovation, adapting business models, updating development strategies, optimising the organisational structure of management, restoring partnerships with business entities, etc. In general, the transformation of management processes in the post-war economic recovery allows enterprises to use available resources (often significantly limited) more efficiently, stabilise operations, ensure business growth and become more competitive. These steps are essential for businesses in the context of post-war economic security. At the same time, to ensure the effectiveness of such a transformation, we need to strictly adhere to certain principles, i.e. the basic assumptions for its implementation. In this article, we have identified and characterised particular principles of transformation of management processes of enterprises in the context of post-war economic security of business. The list of such principles includes the following: the principle of end-user orientation, the principle of strategic orientation of changes, the principle of combining economic and social aspects of transformation, the principle of continuous improvement, the principle of taking into account the interests of stakeholders, and the principle of forecasting market conditions. Knowledge and understanding of these principles allow us to ensure the effectiveness of management transformation processes and direct them in the right direction. In addition, it also creates opportunities for developing business entities and enhancing their competitiveness in the post-war economic recovery period. All this will have a positive impact on the economic security of enterprises.


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How to Cite
Motorniuk, U., Yosypchuk , V., & Kasperskyi, P. (2024). SPECIAL PRINCIPLES OF TRANSFORMATION OF ENTERPRISES’ MANAGEMENT PROCESSES IN THE CONTEXT OF POST-WAR ECONOMIC SECURITY OF BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (62). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-62-42