Keywords: organic gardening, organic production, development, gardening, ecology, quality, agriculture


This article is devoted to the analysis of the development of organic gardening, in particular in the context of modern realities and prospects. The article discusses the main aspects of organic gardening, its advantages compared to traditional cultivation methods, as well as the impact on the environment and consumer health. The economic development of Ukraine requires increasing the country's food security, providing the population with high-quality and ecologically safe food products. This kind of safety is guaranteed by organic products, the production of which is currently one of the priority directions for the development of agriculture in the European Union and many countries around the world. Current trends and technologies aimed at improving the productivity and quality of growing organic horticultural crops are analyzed. The article highlights the existing problems and challenges facing the organic horticulture sector, as well as offers possible ways to solve them. The prospects for the development of organic horticulture are highlighted, taking into account trends in consumer demand, economic and environmental factors. Emphasis is placed on the growing popularity of organic food, which stimulates the expansion of organic methods of growing fruits and berries. However, despite the significant benefits of organic gardening, this type of gardening has a number of problems that prevent its wider adoption. Such problems include high production costs, low yields, insufficient infrastructure development, lack of qualified personnel and lack of public awareness. One of the conditions for the functioning of the world markets of environmentally friendly products is the presence of a properly formed and organized certification system for organically produced products. Organic production is a priority direction in the development of agriculture, which allows realizing the concept of balanced development of the agricultural sector at the expense of socio-economic and natural-resource balance and aims to provide society with safe and high-quality food products, as well as to preserve and improve the state of the natural environment.


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