The article reveals the theoretical foundations and functional role of science parks as an economic and economic formation of innovation infrastructure on the basis of higher education institutions. The conceptual foundations for the creation, legal and organizational nature of a science park are considered from the standpoint of the relationship between science and business. The organizational and economic aspects of the functioning of science parks according to the American, Japanese and mixed models are analyzed, the factors that influenced their effective innovation activities are highlighted. It is established that before the changes in the legislation, science parks in Ukraine did not fully fulfill their functions and did not improve innovation processes, as there were a number of obstacles to their development. The amendments partially resolved these problems, but left the following in need of change: reducing the time for consideration of the registration of an innovation project, providing tax benefits, lifting restrictions on property rights, technologies, and intellectual property created in the course of innovation projects. The list of rights of science park founders also needs to be supplemented. The author argues for strengthening the trends of progressive changes in the innovation activities of higher education institutions by meeting certain conditions and implementing measures: improving the state system for coordinating the development of science parks; initiating joint activities aimed at coordinating efforts in priority areas by representatives of education, business and government; encouraging business representatives to create jointly with the state targeted funds to stimulate activities. In order to improve coordination and interaction between the formation and implementation of innovation policy, the innovation strategy proposes the creation of a centralized institution for innovation work, improvement of the institutional structure of innovation management, and amendments to legislation to approve a new system of priority areas for the development of science and technology.
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