Keywords: digital marketing, customer-oriented marketing, digitalization, marketing strategies, digital marketing tools


The purpose of the article is to study the role of customer-oriented marketing to identify key aspects of its successful strategy in the digital environment and to develop recommendations for the effective use of digital tools to meet consumer needs in the context of digitalization of the economy. The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that the digital transformation of the economy significantly changes the conditions of doing business, requiring enterprises to effectively adapt to new realities. At the same time, customer-oriented marketing becomes a key success factor in this context, as it contributes to the formation of deep connections with customers and responds to their changing needs. Understanding and implementing these principles becomes critical for maintaining the competitiveness and stability of enterprises in today's digital environment. The research methodology consists in a systematic analysis of the impact of digital transformation on marketing strategies, taking into account the views of experts and the analysis of current trends in the industry. The results of the study confirm the need for active adaptation of enterprises to the digital environment and the transition to more flexible and innovative approaches to marketing. In particular, it found that personalized content, the use of data analytics and artificial intelligence are key elements of a successful marketing strategy in the digital age. Innovative tools and technologies have been identified that contribute to the improvement of interaction with customers based on the application of personalized content, data analytics and artificial intelligence. It has been studied that thanks to the effective use of digital tools, enterprises can increase their competitiveness and meet the needs of customers in the conditions of digitalization of the business environment. The importance of adapting marketing strategies to changes in the digitalization of the economy is proven, in particular, by developing marketing channels, responding to mobility and accessibility requirements, as well as using analytics to understand customer behavior and manage marketing initiatives. The practical value of the article lies in the possibility of using its results for the development and implementation of effective marketing strategies in modern business, which will allow enterprises to successfully compete on the market and meet the needs of modern consumers.


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How to Cite
Derhousova, A., Tokareva , V., & Panasiuk, I. (2024). CUSTOMER-ORIENTED MARKETING IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITALIZATION OF THE ECONOMY. Economy and Society, (62).