Keywords: motivation, retention of personnel, influence of motivation, job satisfaction, success of the enterprise


The article examines current problems related to the creation of effective systems of motivation and retention in the corporate environment. He meticulously analyzes and classifies the factors that shape the motivation of employees and its direct impact on the quality of work. Extensive research into global retention practices provides valuable insight into industry best practices. In addition, the article identifies unused potential for increasing the level of motivation and improving operational efficiency at enterprises. In addition, it delves into the key role of motivation systems in ensuring the stability of personnel and strengthening the competitiveness of the enterprise. A comprehensive analysis of various motivational mechanisms, spanning financial incentives, comprehensive training initiatives and corporate culture, highlights their profound impact on employee satisfaction and productivity. In addition, the article emphasizes the importance of adapting motivational strategies to individual employees and implementing innovative personnel management methodologies to achieve optimal results. By recognizing the unique needs and aspirations of their workforce and implementing progressive approaches to motivation, organizations can unlock untapped potential, foster a culture of excellence and foster sustainable growth in today's dynamic business landscape. The paper explores the role of technology in modernizing motivation and retention efforts. From gamification and performance analytics to digital collaboration platforms, he demonstrates how advanced technology can revolutionize employee engagement initiatives and drive organizational success. In conclusion, the article is a comprehensive guide for organizations seeking to improve their motivation and retention strategies in today's fast-paced and competitive business environment. By adopting innovative approaches, leveraging technology and prioritizing employee well-being, organizations can cultivate a culture of excellence and achieve sustainable growth over the long term.


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How to Cite
Kostyuk, K., & Sharyi, V. (2024). SYSTEM OF MOTIVATION AND RETENTION OF THE STAFF OF THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (62).