The issue of introducing innovative technologies into the insurance market is quite urgent, as a necessary condition for the company's competitive activity in the modern market is its innovativeness and modernity. This requires an analysis of modern trends in innovations in the insurance market of Ukraine and foreign experience in the use of a number of innovative technologies in order to find the possibility of their implementation in the domestic insurance space. One of the key trends in the development of insurance companies today is the growing use of digital technologies in their activities. With artificial intelligence, data analytics and blockchain, insurance companies can improve their risk management, customer assessment and insurance claims processes. This helps to increase efficiency and reduce insurance costs. The purpose of the article is to study the state of the insurance market, features and impact of innovative technologies on the development of insurance activity. The article discusses key changes in the insurance market due to the introduction of innovative technologies, namely: Digital technologies and online platforms; Artificial intelligence and data analytics; New types of insurance; Strengthening of competitive struggle; Changing culture and customer experience and competitiveness. In the course of the study, it was determined that the introduction of innovative technologies into the insurance sector accelerates its development, making it more adaptive, efficient and competitive. Those insurance companies that successfully integrate these technologies into their processes have the best chance of success in today's digital environment. Prospects for the development of the insurance market depend on the successful resolution of these challenges and the use of new opportunities offered by digital transformation and the growing demand for new types of protection. The way to success lies in the combination of innovative approaches and stable fundamental principles of the insurance business. For the successful functioning of an insurance company, it is necessary not only to provide a convenient and understandable service, but also to offer new non-standard solutions that differ from the services of competitors. It is necessary to anticipate the future needs of consumers, to create an individual comprehensive insurance program for them.
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