A well-organised accounting system at an enterprise not only provides information on the financial and property status and performance results, but also enables managers to obtain timely, efficient and systematic information for making effective management decisions. The internationalisation of the logistics business and the expansion of global trade require changes in the management and accounting of logistics activities in accordance with international standards. The article is aimed at defining the peculiarities of accounting for logistics activities, which are primarily based on clarifying the content of this activity and its organisational and technological features. To achieve the formulated goal and solve the tasks set, the article uses general scientific and special methods of scientific research, namely: analysis, synthesis, grouping, comparison and generalisation - to clarify the categorical apparatus of the terms "logistics" and "logistics activity"; historical and evolutionary analysis - to study general trends in the development of logistics activity; grouping - to process analytical information. The paper considers and systematises theoretical aspects and approaches of scientists to the definition of the concept of logistics activity, studies historical aspects of development of logistics and allocates functions and tasks of logistics activity with a view to organisation of its accounting. On the basis of the study of the methodical aspect of functioning of the logistics activity, the study allocated elements for organisation of the accounting and analytical support of this activity at an enterprise. It is determined that for a high-quality organisation of accounting for logistics activities, it is necessary, first of all, to outline its theoretical foundations, namely the essence of the concept of "logistics activities", its objects and subjects, purpose and main tasks, as this will allow developing an accounting system in such a way as to provide users with the information necessary for making effective management decisions.
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