The article is devoted to the analysis of information risks of the enterprise for the management of these risks in order to determine the possibility of the occurrence of adverse events of various types in order to prevent losses from risks in order to increase the validity of management decisions to ensure the information security and efficiency of the enterprise. Currently, information, as one of the most important resources of enterprises, ensures success in competition, allowing to reduce the degree of uncertainty during decision-making and increase the efficiency of enterprise management. In this regard, one of the trends in the development of all socio-economic systems is the creation of a unified information environment and comprehensive informatization of business processes. At the same time, information is an independent management object. In the conditions of globalization and the high dynamics of changes in the information space, the uncertainty of the external and internal environment, the complexity of the tasks of managing information flows in socio-economic systems is constantly increasing. To maintain a high level of business efficiency, information must be up-to-date, reliable, complete and well protected. The emergence of unfavorable situations in the external and internal information environment of the enterprise leads to a decrease in information quality indicators, the adoption of irrational management decisions and, as a result, to economic losses. Correspondence of the types of information threats to the consequences of their occurrence is determined. The analysis of risk classifications allowed us to conclude that the relationship between the concepts of information and economic risk is that different information risks can be included simultaneously in several types of economic risks. From the point of view of the system approach to the analysis of the problem of information security of the enterprise, the classification of IT risks according to the criteria of "source of origin", "level of impact" was carried out. Selected combined risks of the software level. information risk management is an urgent task in modern conditions of the use of information technologies in all spheres of enterprise activity. At the same time, due to the close relationship between information risks and other types of business risks, information risk management should become a separate part of the corporate risk management system, which takes into account the specifics of information as an object of management. Thus, effective management of information risks (IR) largely determines the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises.
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