Keywords: water tourism, water hiking, rafting, route difficulty category, popular rafting routes


The article is devoted to the problem of the theoretical and practical foundations of research and substantiation of the mechanisms of formation and implementation of the water tourism development strategy based on the concept of the goals of sustainable development and the harmonization of relationships in the "ecology-economy-society" system. The sustainable development of tourism is based on the doctrine of sustainable development, which aims to change the relationship between man and nature in order to expand the opportunities for economic growth, and on the creation of a coordinated global strategy for the survival of humanity, focused on the preservation and restoration of natural communities on the scale necessary to return to the limits of the economic capacity of the biosphere . The author proves that the leading place in the system of domestic tourism is occupied by water tourism. The author draws attention to the distinction between uncategorized and categorized water routes. The first are light and safe, designed for amateur water tourism. Regarding the second group, there are several international classification systems. Most often, the American version of the International Scale of River Difficulty (American Whitewater) is used, according to which all rivers for rafting are divided into six categories. The article analyzes the most popular water routes in Ukraine for organized rafting of the II-III category of difficulty, among which the White and Black Cheremosh in the Ivano-Frankivsk region take the leading place. Water tourism and traveling the route on the water gives you the opportunity to simultaneously test your endurance, test your dexterity and intelligence in extreme situations, enjoy beautiful landscapes and get a dose of sports and competitive adrenaline. Ukraine needs to take measures to develop public tourism infrastructure, analyze and evaluate active tourism enthusiasts, conduct research on needs and opportunities, encourage business initiatives and improve the legal framework that leads to the promotion of active recreation on the water and the strengthening of tourism opportunities. The main tasks of the development of water tourism in order to provide an appropriate environment for outdoor recreation of visiting and domestic tourists are the launch of basic tourist infrastructure (camping sites, recreation areas, etc.) and the promotion of active marketing of water tourism.


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How to Cite
Holovnia , O. (2024). FEATURES OF WATER TOURISM AND PASSING THE ROUTE ON WATER. Economy and Society, (62). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-62-3