A classification of the main elements of the transport and logistics system of Ukraine is proposed, where logistics intermediaries play an important role among market players. The key difference between logistics providers on the international and national market for the provision of logistics services is described. The list of services provided by logistics intermediaries of the third (3PL-providers) and fourth-level (4PL-providers) providers is presented. The activity of transport and logistics enterprises that position themselves as representatives of contract logistics (outsourced logistics) was studied, and the rating of the largest logistics intermediaries in Ukraine by income level in 2022 was presented. It is noted that there is no standard set of business processes, so they should be arranged depending on the specifics of the enterprise's field of activity. The main areas of activity of enterprises in the logistics sphere are presented, where transportation, supply and distribution services were allocated. It is substantiated that the process approach can become one of the main mechanisms for improving the company's activities within the framework of a continuous cycle of actions and on the condition that management will not be carried out by individual elements of the company, but by a system of processes. A scheme of the process approach in the management of enterprises in the logistics sphere is proposed, which shows the goals, the object of management, the goal and the results that can go through the reengineering of business processes. The specifics of the main and auxiliary business processes of logistics enterprises are presented. The segmentation and division of services provided by logistics providers in the field of international and national trade is proposed: by basic services; by types of transport; by type of client; by industry of final use; by regions. It is noted that future trends and challenges in the management of enterprises in the logistics sphere are due to the progressive development of information technologies, which shape the landscape of modern logistics in order to ensure international trade.
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