Keywords: innovation, innovative development, innovative activity, management tool, national economy, post-war period, management


In the post-war period, innovations have become an urgent business need, a significant factor in economic recovery and a guarantee of social well-being. They help to improve the quality of life, ensure sustainable development and solve pressing problems. Therefore, companies implement innovative technological changes, create an internal environment favourable to creativity, cooperate with innovation infrastructure entities, join specialised innovation clusters, raise funding for creative projects, etc. These initiatives ultimately have a positive impact on creating favourable conditions for the innovative development of organisations. At the same time, to make the most of all available opportunities in this area, we need to have a comprehensive understanding of the tools for managing such innovative development in the context of the post-war reconstruction of the national economy. In this article, using the methods of generalisation, systematisation, deduction and scientific abstraction, we have identified and characterised the instruments for managing the innovative development of enterprises in the context of the post-war reconstruction of the national economy. We have reflected such instruments in the form of a classification, in which the existing classification features are supplemented with new ones. The time requirements cause the introduction of these new classification features. The list of existing classification features includes the content, stages of the innovation cycle, subject of innovation, scope, target audience, and formation features. The supplemented list of classification features consists of the source of origin, nature of goals, level of novelty and subject composition of implementers. The developed classification of innovation development management tools enables enterprises in the context of post-war reconstruction of the national economy to make a reasonable choice of the most appropriate such tools depending on the goals and existing limitations. Further research on this issue should study the domestic and foreign experience of using various tools for managing the innovative development of enterprises, which may be helpful in the context of the post-war reconstruction of the national economy.


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