Keywords: regulatory and legal support, agrarian business, agriculture, accounting, emergency situations, management decisions


The article considers the main aspects of legislative regulation and accounting of the activities of agricultural enterprises during emergency situations. Effective management strategies aimed at ensuring the stability of enterprises and their recovery after crisis events have been determined. It was emphasized that agricultural production is considered one of the most risky spheres of business activity. It is noted that ensuring the financial security of agricultural enterprises requires an appropriate level of information support, which includes documents, data, methods and means of obtaining them, as well as the organization of storage and processing. It states that proper accounting is key to ensuring the recovery and resilience of agribusinesses in emergency situations, helping to maintain production efficiency, financial stability and flexibility in responding to unforeseen circumstances. It has been established that the systematic improvement of the legislation and regulatory field, bringing it into line with the ecological and economic realities of the country, is an important factor for increasing the effectiveness of the state's activities in regulating social relations during emergency situations. It was emphasized that thanks to proper accounting, agricultural enterprises can effectively track costs, assess losses and determine recovery strategies. This allows you to maintain control over finances, resources and production processes even in unpredictable conditions. It is indicated that the organization of accounting of agricultural enterprises in emergency situations should be particularly detailed and systematized. This includes keeping records of losses, damages, recovery costs, as well as control over the use of resources and material values. It was concluded that the modern accounting and analytical system of ensuring the financial security of agrarian enterprises needs a new essential content, which includes a complex of methods, techniques, procedures and models necessary for the justification of management decisions in the field of ensuring the financial security of the enterprise.


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