The progressiveness and optimality of the enterprise in our time depends entirely on the correctness and logic of the accounting of activities within the organization. The rapid development of computer programs to subordinate the work of large, medium or small enterprises is gradually saturating the market. Undoubtedly, it would be correct to think that in 5-7 years all organizations will be reporting in cloud or box-type ERP systems. The main problem today is the choice of software and implementation of this model in the structure and life of the enterprise, which will optimize its operation and minimize possible risks due to loss of information. Despite the fact that the topic of information technology and their functioning has been considered in recent years, in detail and meticulously, the problem of understanding exactly how this area works remains relevant. This is what prompted the analysis of the issue, which established the objectives, purpose and objectives of the article. The purpose of the article is to research opportunities for application software SAP ERP in information and analytical support for business management. The article is devoted to the theoretical substantiation of the importance and efficiency of the use and implementation of SAP ERP-system in the work of the enterprise. As a result of the research, the features of SAP ERP modules were determined. Systematized criteria of modules that can help optimize work within the organization. After evaluating the ERP system according to theoretical sources, the main advantages were identified, including the security of the company's data and the disadvantages – the cost of software. An analysis was conducted on the example of Ukrainian companies that have already had the opportunity to feel the positive impact after the introduction of the ERP system. As a result of testing, it was determined that ERP-systems can significantly improve the work of organizations in various areas of their activities (financial sector, industrial sector, etc.). This paper highlights the main points that will help business owners make their choice in favor of a progressive SAP ERP system.
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