Keywords: war, armed aggression, martial law, impact of war on the economy, social sphere


The article defines the differences between the concepts – "armed conflict" and "war", identifies the main signs of war, which in essence is the armed conflict of Ukraine with the Russian Federation. The authors name the reasons for the official "non-declaration" of war, investigate the issue of declaring martial law. Interrelationships between war and the economy are defined, among which the main ones are: existing economic problems affect the course and results of the war, while the war exerts a significant influence on the development of the economy; the economic policy of the state determines the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the relationship between war and the economy; the use of achievements of scientific and technical progress in the production of weapons determines the development of war; the more the process of using economic resources is subordinated to military goals, the more significant are the country's successes in armed conflict; the connection between the economy and war has a two-way nature: on the one hand, war diverts significant financial, material and human resources from the production sphere, military needs determine the structure of the economy, and, on the other hand, leads to the destruction of productive forces, which determines the need preservation of production, labor force, vitality of the economy; the material, financial, and human resources of the countries that are part of the coalition or are «donors», on the one hand, can deepen the conflict, and, on the other hand, are able to ensure the fastest onset of peace. The authors emphasize that military actions on the territory of the country also intensify and exacerbate social risks related to the well-being of the population, which forces the state to adapt social protection mechanisms to the crisis situation, to look for additional sources of funding for social programs, and to increase social assistance payments. The impact of the war on the economy and the social sphere is systematized through the identification of the economic and social consequences of the war. The analysis of the impact of the war on the economy and the social sphere ends with a study of ways to end the armed conflict, among which the following are possible: victory of one of the warring parties; talks; mediation; arbitration; peacekeeping operations; freezing of the armed conflict. It is important to remember that there is no universal "recipe" for resolving conflicts and requires an individual approach, taking into account the causes of the conflict and the factors that lead to its aggravation.


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How to Cite
Bila, I., Shved, T., & Shevchenko, O. (2024). WAR: SIGNS, NEED FOR DECLARATION, RELATIONSHIP WITH THE ECONOMY AND METHODS OF ENDING. Economy and Society, (61). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-61-131