The article analyses the process of the emergence of socio-economic relations in the context of the emergence of needs. The influence of needs on the interaction and exchange of resources, which is the basis for forming socio-economic relations, is studied. The author notes that socio-economic relations are formed due to interaction between members of society, the central object of which is not only the needs of society but also the ownership of resources, political and legal restrictions, market mechanisms and competition. It is noted that the complex economic system that emerges in the course of such interaction determines the content of socio-economic relations through the exchange of goods, services, information, etc. Such interaction creates the basis for developing socio-economic relations and is associated with property as a critical element in forming socio-economic relations. The determination of economic changes, living standards, distribution of benefits in society, competition, and market mechanisms are essential factors in determining the efficiency of the market economy and ensuring the sustainable development of socio-economic relations. It has been established that people's needs are not only motivators of economic activity but also driving forces in forming social ties and cultural relations. Since the needs of society stimulate economic activity and the development of markets, it is necessary to control not only access to resources but also ownership of these resources through political and legal factors, which will prevent the emergence of social inequality. Thus, the political and legal component plays an essential role in regulating relations between participants in the economic process (competition in markets, methods of market interaction, innovation, etc.) and interactions between members of society. Thus, the formation of a society's economic system reflects its socio-economic needs, values, and goals, and understanding them and the interrelationships between them allows for more effective management of economic development and contributes to achieving a sustainable and balanced development of society. The more differentiated the needs of society, the more complex the forms of interaction and the need to establish new relationships between different members.
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