Managing diversification strategies to ensure the resilience of an e-commerce enterprise plays a key role in today's business environment as businesses face increasing competition and changes in consumer behavior. The challenge is to effectively use diversification strategies to ensure sustainability and success in e-commerce. Due to the specifics of e-commerce, where rapid technological changes, changes in demand and external risks can significantly affect the company's activities, there is a need to improve diversification strategies to ensure resilience. This article aims to analyze diversification strategies and their impact on the resilience of e-commerce enterprises. It is aimed at identifying optimal approaches to managing diversification strategies and their implementation to ensure competitive advantages and sustainability of enterprises. The object of research is the process of managing diversification strategies, and the subject is electronic commerce and its impact on enterprises. Special attention is paid to the analysis of various forms of diversification and their effectiveness in the context of electronic commerce. The research is based on the analysis of domestic and foreign research, participation in scientific conferences, as well as on empirical data collected during special studies and surveys. These methods allow you to get a comprehensive overview and deep understanding of the problem. As part of the study, an analysis of various diversification strategies was carried out, their advantages and disadvantages were determined, and key success factors in their implementation were identified. The influence of e-commerce on the effectiveness of diversification strategies was also investigated and practical recommendations for enterprises were offered. The overall findings of the study confirm that a successful diversification strategy can significantly increase the resilience of an e-commerce enterprise. The recommendations include the implementation of flexible strategies, active monitoring of market trends and constant updating of the range of goods and services.
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