The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and applied principles of comprehensive service of consumer organizations by highlighting relevant trends. In the process of research, the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, logical generalization and systematization were used. Complex service of consumer organizations can be defined as a special type of human activity, which is aimed at satisfying the needs of the customer by providing services that accompany the purchase of products on the B2B market. At the same time, modern trends in comprehensive service of consumer organizations are of great importance today and require careful study. The following specific features of this market can be singled out, which have an impact on the specifics of the comprehensive service of consumer organizations: 1. Complexity of products - usually the B2B market has the features of a large-scale, in some cases, even an industrial one. This determines the specifics of products on this market. 2. Long periods of decision-making - the specifics of the products of this market determine their high cost, and therefore such goods are not bought quickly. Therefore, the seller company must create a long chain of acquaintance with the product and gradually lead the consumer organization to a purchase decision. 3. A significant number of employees involved in the comprehensive service of consumer organizations - the specifics of products and customers (consumer organizations) determine the scale of the service process, and therefore the number of people involved in this process is significant. 4. Multi-level logistics - unlike simple products, there is a problem with complex products in the logistics of the B2B sector. Therefore, the logistics of the B2B sector is a long and multi-stage process. 5. Wide use of Internet marketing in comprehensive service of consumer organizations. Internet marketing in the 21st century has become the main tool for promotion regardless of the direction of work and the scale of business: both personal brands and large companies are equally interested in increasing sales turnover. Its main advantage over all related marketing tools is still accessibility, however, it is quite difficult for one specialist to combine high-quality and effective work in several areas of Internet marketing. For most small and medium-sized businesses, maintaining a staff of several Internet marketing specialists is quite expensive, considering that marketing studios - organizations that provide comprehensive marketing services - have gained great popularity in the Internet marketing market. Evaluating the effectiveness of measures to improve B2B marketing management is important in today's conditions. This is because the company, implementing a complex system of improving the management of B2B marketing, definitely strives to realize the effectiveness of the functioning of such a system. Specially developed methodological approaches are able to provide true and unbiased information about the effectiveness of measures to improve B2B marketing management. It is advisable to outline this as a direction for further research.
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