Energy is one of the strategically important sectors of the global economic system, on the safe and stable functioning and sustainable development of which depend the vital activity and quality of most spheres of human activity. Upheavals caused by interstate conflicts and the war in Ukraine and the escalation of climate change pose a significant threat to the global energy system and security, in particular. Energy security is an integral component of the global security system, as evidenced by Russia's war against Ukraine, when missile attacks on energy infrastructure facilities are used as a form of warfare to gain military advantage. The global community is currently facing an energy crisis that shows no signs of abating. Meeting global energy demand has never been more challenging than now, and the need to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions has never been more urgent. Today's energy crisis provokes upheaval on an unprecedented scale. Given the persistent geopolitical and economic challenges, the global energy market remains extremely vulnerable, and the current crisis is a kind of reminder of the fragility of the modern global energy system. That is why the issue of ensuring global energy security, its stability and sustainability is becoming even more relevant.The purpose of this study is to systematize approaches to the concept of "global security", as well as to identify potential scenarios, mechanisms for leveling threats to energy transition as components of global energy security. Bolder action and increased global cooperation are needed for the sustainability and rapid transformation of the global energy system, as geopolitical uncertainty increases and global temperatures continue to break records, it said. The connection between the achievement of sustainability of global energy security and the need to ensure the efficiency of energy consumption, the introduction of alternative energy sources, and the reduction of the use of fossil fuels has been established. It is noted that the urgent need to transition to clean, climate-neutral and reliable energy sources as a component of global energy security makes this task even more difficult - the global community must find a way to ensure global energy security without endangering the planet and those who inhabit it. Тhe emergence of new risks to ensuring global energy security and energy transition are emphasized.
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