Keywords: factor, classification, classification of factors, factors of influence, import activity


The classification of factors affecting imports is an important tool for understanding and analysing the complex processes taking place in international trade. It allows identifying various factors that may affect import activities, such as currency fluctuations, political instability, changes in legislation, etc., which helps businesses and the government to develop risk management strategies and minimise negative consequences. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to systematise and classify the factors influencing import activities. In the course of the study, a systematic approach was applied, which allowed to consider import activity as a complex system, taking into account the interrelationships and interaction of various factors affecting it. The abstract and logical method was also used to improve the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the study, identify problems and understand the general patterns of development of phenomena, and the monographic method was used to conduct a literature review and in-depth understanding of a particular problem or phenomenon. The article substantiates the necessity of classification of factors that influence import activity and suggests features by which they should be classified. Particular attention in the study is paid to the allocation of features for classification of factors and their ordering. It is proposed that the factors influencing import activity should be divided into three main features. It is established that the classification allows identifying various risk factors that may affect import activities, analysing their impact in terms of their importance and priority, identifying factors that affect the competitiveness of national goods in foreign markets; helps the government to develop and implement effective trade policy; creates a basis for scientific research in the field of international trade and allows analysing and understanding the complex relationships between various factors and their impact on the economy. The practical value of the study lies in the fact that the results obtained can be used in analysing various factors that affect import activities.


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How to Cite
Olikhovskyy , V. (2024). CLASSIFICATION OF FACTORS INFLUENCING IMPORT ACTIVITIES. Economy and Society, (61).