Keywords: hospitality industry, hospitality, satisfaction of needs, hotel and restaurant business, tourism industry, service sector


The article analyzes the semantic content of the term "industry". The criteria for assigning enterprises (types of activity) to the industry are highlighted: size; relationship (affinity) of enterprises (types of activity); the number of employed workers; contribution to national income; growth rate. An assessment of the compliance of the set of enterprises in the global and domestic sphere of hospitality with the selected criteria was carried out; relevant conclusions have been drawn. The definitions of the concepts "hospitality" and "hospitality industry" proposed by foreign and Russian authors were studied. The problem of distinguishing and defining the relationship between the hospitality industry and the tourist industry has been revealed. The structure of the hospitality industry is considered and analyzed. The development trends of the global hospitality industry are analyzed. The etymology of the term "hospitality industry" is studied, and its definition is given. The composition of the enterprises included in this industry has been specified, and the hotel and restaurant business has been singled out as its basis. Statistical data on the activity of Ukrainian enterprises in the field of hotel and restaurant business are provided. Approaches to determining the relationship between the hospitality and tourism industries are considered. As a result of a comprehensive study of the hospitality industry, a number of its features were revealed, including: the predominance of enterprises in the service sector; customer orientation; the need for effective management of human resources; the need to take into account the specific characteristics of consumers; the volatility of the hospitality industry market, which is affected by many factors; seasonal nature of services. It was determined that consumers of hotel services are one of the factors of competitiveness of a hotel enterprise, and the factor of consumer loyalty becomes its leading element, which leads to the need to study this phenomenon. Taking into account that there is a struggle for consumer loyalty between hospitality enterprises, the authors considered four concepts that are aimed at the consumer ("4C" concept), as well as types of loyalty and objects with the help of which consumer loyalty is measured.


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How to Cite
Demchuk, L., Tarasiuk, H., & Kalenska, V. (2024). HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY: TO THE DEFINITION OF THE CONCEPT. Economy and Society, (61).