Currently, when the digital transformation of business processes leads to systemic changes in the world economy, the use of digital technologies in business activities is becoming increasingly relevant due to the rapid pace of technological development and the need to adapt enterprises to the conditions of the modern market environment. The purpose of this article is to study the impact of digital technologies on business activities, to identify their role and advantages in the modern business environment. The research methodology is based on the analysis of specialized scientific literature, statistical data and empirical observations regarding the implementation of digital technologies in various sectors of the economy. The main methods of analysis are comparative analysis, systematization and generalization of available information. The obtained results show that the use of digital and information technologies in business processes significantly facilitates access to markets for business entities, increases the efficiency of production processes, increases the competitiveness of the enterprise and, in general, contributes to the formation of new opportunities for business development. At the same time, it is necessary to pay special attention to the implementation of artificial intelligence and cognitive technologies, digital analytical platforms, the Internet of Things and other innovative solutions that lead to the transformation of the entire paradigm of modern business activity. It is also necessary to take into account the potential challenges and risks associated with the implementation of digital technologies and the formation of strategies for their management to ensure a successful transition to digital transformation in the field of entrepreneurship. The practical value of the study lies in the fact that it provides entrepreneurs and managers not only theoretical knowledge about the impact of digital technologies on business processes, but also practical recommendations for their implementation in business processes and optimal use to achieve strategic goals and ensure the sustainable development of enterprises in dynamic digital environment.
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