Keywords: seaport, management model, seaport management, port operators, work efficiency, development


The role of sea ports in ensuring the efficiency of the functioning of the global transport system was noted. The importance of modern management approaches and models in the development of ports and increasing their competitiveness has been proven. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of port activity and its influence on the formation of the management system (development of strategic directions of development and selection of management models) is noted. It was noted that the leaders of the world port industry have significant experience in managing port activities. World practices of formation of seaport management models were studied. Attention is focused on traditional models. Their main characteristics are summarized, advantages and disadvantages are noted, which are due to the use of various forms of ownership and the peculiarities of seaport management mechanisms, forming their strengths and creating risks for both the state and private business. It has been established that the combination of elements of several traditional management models is preferred when forming the management system of seaports - industry leaders. This allows you to use the advantages (strong features) of some of them and smooth out the disadvantages. It is noted that the choice of components of the management model is influenced by the trends in the development of logistics and the port sector, in particular, global economic and social reforms, etc. The models that are acceptable for further implementation by the seaports of Ukraine have been determined. Attention is focused on the fact that for the development of the domestic industry, attention should be paid to the features of the "port-landlord" model as a reference point for modeling the management system. This will allow for a combination of private and state interests, which will help attract investors, increase the efficiency of port operators, and also stimulate the development of territories and the national economy. It was noted that the introduction of world practices in domestic seaports requires appropriate adaptation taking into account national characteristics when implementing reforms.


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How to Cite
Rusanova , S., & Perepichko, M. (2024). MANAGEMENT MODELS OF SEA PORTS: GLOBAL PRACTICES. Economy and Society, (61).