The article is devoted to the use of voice technologies in marketing. The purpose of the article is to define the main aspects of using voice technologies in marketing activities. The research is based on a complex of general theoretical methods, principles and approaches. The following methods were used to achieve the set goal and solve research problems: theoretical generalization, comparison and analysis of theoretical data. Modern digital challenges in marketing are analyzed and systematized. These challenges can change with market and technology trends, so successful marketers must remain flexible and constantly improve their strategies. Voice tools that help implement key areas of marketing development are considered. The main trends and prospects for improving marketing activities and communication with customers are the creation of chatbots in the most popular messengers and social networks, voice search and voice advertising. The trend towards using voice assistants is growing steadily. Voice assistants are now ubiquitous, with tools like Siri and Alexa quickly becoming an integral part of consumers’ everyday lives. Chatbots make life easier for both customers and managers, they cannot get answers to basic questions without having to call operators or participate in long conversations. Audio dynamic digital marketing tools can effectively influence target segments on cognitive, emotional and psychological levels, making it easier for users to access information and market regardless of their site. All of the above tools and technologies of voice marketing were developed in recent years against the background of the critical global economic crisis caused by the pandemic and are actively used by businesses. They are aimed at creating truly informative, interesting and engaging content that can have a significant impact on the target audience. The revitalization of digital marketing tools boosts marketing and business activity in general. Prospects for further research consist in the analysis of the current state of development and implementation of Internet marketing tools by Ukrainian brands in the conditions of martial law and the determination of prospects for further development in this area.
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