Today, Ukraine is going through a difficult path and gaining a completely new experience of survival, overcoming the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, in the conditions of martial law, which was caused by the full-scale invasion of the terrorist state of the Russian Federation. The destruction caused by the aggressor state has had a catastrophic effect, which needs to be eliminated for more than a dozen years. The destruction of residential and civil infrastructure, both in the territory where hostilities are being conducted, in the de-occupied territories and in the territories controlled by the state, requires a complex approach and significant financial investments. Analysis of the population's indebtedness to housing and communal enterprises, which will allow for an effective policy of ensuring its development. At present, enterprises of housing and communal services are oriented on administrative mechanisms of management, which are marked by unsatisfactory results of economic activity in providing services to consumers and their financial efficiency. This results in non-fulfillment of financial obligations by enterprises of housing and communal services and growth of payables. Inefficient functioning of housing and communal services led to an increase in its unprofitability. Therefore, today there is a particularly acute need to transfer the entire set of its types of activities into a break-even mode of operation without reducing the quality of housing and communal services and the safe living of their consumers, which is one of the most important tasks of the national scale. A significant share of the increase in indebtedness is the indebtedness of the population to housing and communal enterprises. Thus, before the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation and during the COVID-19 pandemic, the public debt for consumed housing and communal services of Ukraine by types of services as of 12/31/21 amounted to UAH 73.7 billion. Therefore, the results of the study give reasons to assert that overcoming the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, in the conditions of martial law, all types of activities of housing and communal enterprises require immediate reformation changes to create conditions for ensuring a new economic model of its operation and development, ensuring reliable service taking into account the balance of interests consumers and enterprises providing housing and communal services, which will lead to an excessive reduction of the burden on the state economy with the subsequent stabilization and qualitative change of the entire macroeconomic environment and will provide a dynamic development of the national economy as a whole.
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