Keywords: solid household waste, enterprises, recycling, development, management, environmental pollution, European experience in waste management


The article is devoted to a systematic approach to solid waste management, which is an urgent problem in the context of growing waste and negative environmental impact. The paper discusses the main aspects of a systematic approach to waste management, in particular, taking into account the entire life cycle of waste, from its generation to reuse or recycling. The principles of organising waste management systems, the importance of cooperation between different industries and stakeholders, and the role of innovative technologies in improving recycling processes are highlighted. The study emphasises the need for an integrated approach and the implementation of effective solid waste management strategies to ensure sustainable development of the enterprise and preservation of the environment. The amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) in Ukraine is steadily increasing, which has a very negative impact on the environment and human health. Currently, solid household waste is mostly disposed of at specially equipped landfills and natural dumps. A small part of solid waste is disposed of at incinerators. However, in developed countries, many methods of solid waste disposal are used, among which the main ones are recycling, composting, anaerobic fermentation and thermal treatment. The article considers the implementation of the European experience of waste management in Poltava through the creation of a closed cycle system of solid waste management. The basis of a modern solid waste management system is waste minimisation, separate collection, recycling and safe disposal of non-recyclable waste. It is also recommended to pay attention to the following promising areas.Promising areas of systematic solid waste management include the development of new technologies, improvement of existing processes and development of new approaches to waste management. Here are some of them.Development of biodegradable materials: The production and use of biodegradable materials that can decompose in natural conditions can help reduce the amount of municipal solid waste and limit the negative impact on the environment. Developing new recycling methods. Promote reuse and recycling: It is important to develop programmes and initiatives to support the reuse of materials and recycling. This may include promoting the use of recycled materials in industry and developing efficient waste collection and recycling systems. Use of smart waste management technologies: The development and implementation of smart technologies to monitor, manage and optimise the solid waste management system can significantly improve the efficiency of the process and reduce its environmental impact.


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How to Cite
Zhovtiak, H., & Slavuta, O. (2024). PRINCIPLES OF OF SYSTEMATIC MANAGEMENT OF SOLID WASTE RECYCLING. Economy and Society, (61).