• Valerii Bondarenko National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and Nature Management of Ukraine
  • Li Zehao National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and Nature Management of Ukraine
Keywords: trade and economic cooperation, free trade area, investment attractiveness, global competition, Ukraine-China


The People's Republic of China is the world's largest commodity producer and exporter, with a growing influence on global trade. In recent years, China has completed the modernization of its production facilities and continues to reorient its export flows from cheap consumer goods and semi-finished products to finished products with a high technological component, which leads to increased competition from Chinese manufacturers in Ukraine's traditional foreign markets. Today, China has one of the largest investment potentials in the world and is the most anticipated global investor for the next few years. China is an example for many developing countries. Thanks to the implementation of the government's "One Belt, One Road Initiative, other countries have the opportunity to learn from China's foreign policy experience, which is aimed at peaceful living and sustainable development. Ukraine is an important node along the Belt and Road Initiative, and its participation in building the initiative has significant advantages in developing trade and economic cooperation between the two countries: low market costs, low labor costs, good conditions for the location of facilities, and a strong scientific, technical, industrial, and agricultural base. A large number of companies with Chinese capital have shown considerable interest and enthusiasm for trade and economic cooperation with Ukraine. Since its independence, Ukraine has become a full-fledged participant in the globalization process. At the same time, the challenges of an open, globalized world pose a number of urgent tasks for Ukraine related to the search for new sources of competitiveness, as well as to deepening and creating new partnerships with countries in cooperation with which Ukraine could accelerate the modernization of the national economy. Ukraine's foreign economic policy is based on building strategic relations with integration associations and individual countries, interaction with which is important for the development of the national economy. China is among Ukraine's key strategic partners at the level of global players.


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How to Cite
Bondarenko , V., & Zehao, L. (2024). MARKETING OF PARTNERSHIPS AS A BASIS FOR MODERN BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (61).