Keywords: construction logistics, UAV, efficiency of logistics processes in construction


The construction logistics industry has faced high transportation costs, challenges to its ability to meet customer needs, and environmental concerns. However, the adoption of driverless vehicle technologies can help overcome these challenges by reducing costs, increasing delivery speed and reliability, and increasing overall efficiency. The use of drones can lead to significant improvements such as increased productivity, cost savings, increased safety, improved accessibility and real-time tracking. Despite the advantages, there are certain hurdles such as regulatory requirements, technical difficulties and financial constraints that need to be overcome before large-scale adoption of the latest technologies. The use of drones in construction logistics is growing, and companies such as Hensel Phelps and STRABAG are already testing these technologies. However, there are challenges and limitations in terms of safety, regulation, weather conditions, and public acceptance that must be addressed before these innovations can be widely adopted. The most significant challenges summarized and analyzed in the article are safety issues and regulatory requirements, weather and environmental conditions, battery life and range, navigation and mapping, data security and privacy, cost, control and maintenance. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of clear rules and guidelines for the use of drones and self-driving vehicles in logistics and delivery. Governments around the world are in the process of establishing regulations and guidelines for the safe operation of UAVs. In addition, technical obstacles such as the development and maintenance of sensors, batteries and navigation systems can be expensive and difficult to overcome. The practical value of the publication is the study of the impact of the use of drones on logistics operations and the efficiency of logistics processes in construction. The generalization of the results of the cabinet study shows a number of advantages of using UAVs in the field of logistics. It must be taken into account that unmanned logistics in the construction sector is still a relatively new technology, and its widespread adoption will take time and overcome a number of challenges, such as regulatory issues and ensuring safety. However, with the development of technology and the solution of problematic issues, the use of drones in the logistics of construction processes can become more widespread and lead to further improvements.


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How to Cite
Leonova, S., Basarab, N., & Rudnyk, L. (2024). PRIORITIES OF UAV USE IN LOGISTICS CONSTRUCTION’S SUPPORT. Economy and Society, (61).