The study stated that the development of bioenergy in Ukraine faces a number of problems and challenges that complicate its effectiveness and speed of expansion. Some of the main problematic aspects of the development of bioenergy in Ukraine include: insufficient funding and investment, unstable legislative framework, technological challenges, competition with imported energy sources, problems with the supply of raw materials, environmental and social aspects, because the development of bioenergy must take into account environmental and social consequences. The article examines the role and prospects of the development of bioenergy in the context of ensuring Ukraine's energy security. The evolution of the development of the bioenergy sector is analyzed, the main challenges and opportunities for its development are determined. The key technologies of bioenergy production are considered, in particular the use of biomass, biogas and biofuel. The advantages of bioenergy in terms of reducing dependence on imported energy sources and improving the environmental situation are discussed. It was determined that the development of bioenergy contributes to the reduction of dependence on imported energy sources and improves the country's energy security. The article provides an overview of the directions of bioenergy development in Ukraine and analyzes the legislative and regulatory aspects affecting this sector. The economic efficiency of bioenergy projects and their role in stimulating regional development and the experience of EU countries in promoting the development of this industry are studied. The results of the study formulate directions for the development of bioenergy and recommendations for improving state policy in the field of bioenergy, aimed at improving Ukraine's energy security and achieving sustainable development, including through the implementation of EU experience in creating bioenergy clusters. It was determined that Ukraine has significant biomass resources, such as agricultural waste, wood, sugar beets and others. Bioenergy companies use these resources to produce heat and electricity. Despite significant progress in the development of bioenergy in Ukraine, there are certain challenges, such as instability in legislation, financial difficulties and the need for further investment in research and infrastructure. However, the general trend points to the positive development of this sector, which is of great importance for energy security and sustainable development of Ukraine.
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