The article discusses the main issues related to the management and marketing of the fitness industry in the modern world. The fitness industry is not only one of the most popular industries, but also an important component of an active and healthy lifestyle. Recently, the popularity of sports events is rapidly gaining momentum and attracts the attention of millions of people around the world. Sports events are one of the main forms of international cultural exchange. In addition, the sports sphere is one of the most effective communication channels for the promotion of goods and services. Therefore, marketing is a modern and promising direction of marketing, which is a necessary tool of modern business technologies. The growing popularity of fitness classes requires effective management and marketing. Marketing services for the successful functioning of fitness centers and studios play a major role in their further development. It is the promotion of marketing services in this direction that makes the growth of demand in the fitness industry successful today. The introduction of a number of marketing approaches aimed at improving a healthy lifestyle makes the fitness industry successful in our country and abroad. Modern changes in the external environment push fitness clubs to search for the latest methods of improving their own professional activity. The development and effective functioning of any physical culture and sports organization, first of all, depends on changes in the factors of the macro environment. The goal of marketing in the field of fitness services increasingly becomes the creation of deep, long-lasting relationships with all people or organizations that can directly or indirectly affect the success of the company. Separate ways of development of the fitness industry provided on the basis of marketing are proposed, because it is effective sports marketing and adaptation to changes in the macro environment that are key to the success of fitness clubs.
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