The article examines the role of financial flow management in logistics systems as a key aspect of ensuring the effective functioning of enterprises. The purpose of the article is research and definition of strategies and methods of effective management of financial flows in modern logistics systems. The main goals are the study of the influence of financial processes on the efficiency of logistics operations, the identification of key factors affecting financial flows, and the development of proposals for their optimization. The topicality of the topic is due to the growing importance of logistics in the conditions of globalization and rapid development of technologies. Logistics systems are becoming more complex and require more flexible and effective management of financial flows to ensure sustainability and competitiveness of enterprises. In addition, due to the significant increase in competition and deepening integration of supply chains, the effective management of financial resources acts as a key success factor in today's business environment. To achieve the goal, special and general research methods were used. In particular, the analysis of literary sources made it possible to get acquainted with previous studies and theoretical concepts in the field of financial flow management. With the help of the analysis method, complex financial processes in logistics systems were considered on individual components, studying their interrelationships and impact on overall efficiency. The synthesis method made it possible to take into account the identified connections for the formation of conclusions regarding the need for the formation of financial flow management strategies aimed at increasing the efficiency of logistics systems. The result of the study was the formation of the principles of managing financial flows in logistics, on the basis of which enterprises can form systems of financial management of logistics systems. The practical value of the article lies in highlighting effective strategies and methods of managing financial flows in logistics systems, which will help enterprises to optimize their financial processes and increase competitiveness.
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