The article aims to study the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on project management and forecast its application prospects. The article examines four stages of AI evolution in project management proposed by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC): integration and automation, chatbot assistants, machine learning-based project management, and autonomous project management. Each stage is considered in terms of implementation, benefits, and challenges. The article thoroughly explores the use of artificial intelligence in project management, particularly in the IT industry. It analyzes specific examples of AI implementation in project management, such as the use of chatbots for reminders and team efficiency. The article highlights the importance of artificial intelligence as an integral component of project management, pointing to its ability to automate, enhance productivity, and improve decision-making quality. The necessity of risk management in projects and the role of artificial intelligence in this process are emphasized. It discusses how AI-driven tools can lead to more efficient workflow management, predicting potential bottlenecks and recommending optimal pathways for project execution. The article also details the opportunities and challenges of using artificial intelligence, including the development of hierarchical work structures and predictive analytics. A table of the advantages and disadvantages of using AI in project management provides a clear overview of the technology's strengths and weaknesses. Advantages include intelligent automation, accurate decision-making, and the ability to analyze large volumes of data. However, disadvantages, such as implementation costs and the need for a large amount of data, require attention and resolution. Conclusions and prospects for further research in this area point to the need for refined strategies for implementing AI in project management. This technology demonstrates a powerful impact on optimizing and automating project processes, but it requires careful study and adaptation for the most effective use.
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