Keywords: analysis, database, export, foreign trade, import, digital tools


The article explores digital tools for statistical analysis of Ukraine's foreign trade operations with countries around the world. Using the example of the "Foreign Trade" database of the Main Department of Statistics in Lviv Oblast, the article outlines the digital possibilities of its application for economic purposes. This database contains up-to-date statistical information on the main aspects of foreign trade between business entities and individuals in Lviv Oblast. This information is based on administrative data from customs declarations provided by the State Customs Service of Ukraine, taking into account goods imported and exported through ports. Functionally, this web resource covers a wide range of possibilities for scientific application. A scientific search of statistical information in this database revealed that the user can obtain an exhaustive list of data on the annual or monthly volume of export and import by country of the world (separately for EU member countries), by commodity groups for the period from 2019 to 2022. The importance of trade in goods for the economic development of the country and regions is characterized. Having chosen a specific commodity group "Soap and detergents", a statistical analysis of the dynamics and structure of Ukraine's export and import was carried out. The indicators of structure and structural changes were calculated, the indicators of dynamics were calculated: absolute increase, growth rate, growth rate, absolute value of 1% increase for export and import of soap and detergents in Lviv Oblast. The main trading partners were identified. It was found that in January 2022, these goods were exported to 9 countries of the world, with an increase in the structure of exports to Germany and the Czech Republic, while there was a decrease in the share of exports to Poland. Imports of soap and detergents during this period came from 20 countries of the world, which confirms the wide range of Ukraine's trading partners on foreign markets. Based on the data obtained, economic trends were identified both in the export and import of these goods. All exporting and importing countries for the selected commodity group were investigated. The competitiveness of the selected commodity group and the growing demand for them in the world were proven.


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How to Cite
Korytska, O., & Lytvyn , Y. (2024). ANALYSIS OF FOREIGN TRADE OF UKRAINE: ON THE EXAMPLE OF LVIV REGION. Economy and Society, (61).