The article substantiates the relevance and necessity of developing a capitalization strategy of agro-industrial companies. An approach to strategic management of the capitalization of agro-industrial companies has been developed. The following stages of strategic management of the capitalization of agro-industrial companies are proposed: 1st stage. Determination of subjects and objects of strategic management of the capitalization of agro-industrial companies. 2 stage. Strategic analysis of agro-industrial companies. 3 stage. Formation of the strategic goal of capitalization management of agro-industrial companies. 4th stage. Determination of the system of capitalization management goals of agro-industrial companies. 5th stage. Formation of a strategic portfolio of capitalization management of agro-industrial companies. 6th stage. Implementation of the capitalization management strategy of agro-industrial companies. 7th stage. Monitoring and control of the implementation of the capitalization management strategy of agro-industrial companies. The strategic goal is determined, which consists in ensuring sustainable economic growth of the company based on its capitalization. The strategic, tactical and operational goals of the company's capitalization were formed. The factors of the external (military, political, economic, demographic, social, scientific and technical) and internal (financial, production, marketing, foreign economic, innovative, information activities of the company) environments of managing capitalization processes of agro-industrial companies are determined. The principles (systematicity, hierarchy, competence, balance, efficiency), methods (financial, administrative, legal), tools (pricing, depreciation, underwriting, emotional marketing, Smart technologies, digitalization) of the company's capitalization management are justified. It is substantiated that the proposed process will be interesting for practical use both by managers of agro-industrial companies who are interested in increasing the level of their capitalization, and by potential investors who are interested in the level of the market value of the company in order to make a decision about investing and obtaining a return on invested capital.
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