In the context of globalization and rapid technological progress, the tourism industry is undergoing fundamental changes that affect the behavior and benefits of consumers. Modern tourist demand is formed under the influence of various factors, among which cultural changes and technological innovations occupy a special place. These aspects not only modify the ideas about travel, but also expand opportunities to choose new directions and ways of traveling. The impact of cultural changes on tourist demand is manifested by the growing desire for authenticity, the desire to immerse themselves in the culture of the visited country, as well as through changes in relation to rest and travel, which become part of self -expression. On the other hand, technological innovations radically change the way tourists plan and travel, from hotels and tickets online to the use of navigation applications, virtual reality for preliminary visits, and personalized offers. The article analyzes how cultural changes and technological innovations affect the trends of modern tourist demand and how these influences can be adapted by the tourism industry to meet the needs and expectations of modern travelers. Modern tourist trends show that cultural changes and technological innovations have a significant impact on the choice of travel. Travelers are increasingly appreciating authenticity and unique experience that can be gained while traveling. Technologies become an integral part of tourist experience, ensuring the convenience and availability of information. Therefore, given these trends, travel companies and government agencies can effectively adapt to changes in demand and give consumers what they are looking for in their travels. Only by combining cultural changes and technological innovations can you create a high quality and exciting tourist experience that meets the needs of the modern world.
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