Keywords: public administration, public administration policy, tourism activities, tourism industry, tourism


Management of tourism activities in Ukraine determines the purposeful influence of state authorities on the development of the tourism industry and the creation of favorable conditions for its development. State regulation of tourism activities includes a system of actions and measures of the state to select and apply a set of tools by which a direct or indirect impact on objects and subjects of tourism activities is carried out and a favorable environment for the development of this type of activity is created. The state policy of tourism management in Ukraine occupies an important place in the context of maintaining the economic state of the country and meeting the needs of society. russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine led to the forced relocation of a large number of people to other regions or outside the country, which in turn increased the demand for recreational tourist services for physical and psychological recovery. The article is devoted to the issues of state policy of management of the tourism industry in Ukraine in modern conditions. The implementation of state policy in the field of tourism is to support the studied industry at all levels of management and meet the needs of society by implementing the main directions of its activities. It analyses and generalises the structure of management of tourist activity in Ukraine and examines its main components. It is noted that activities in the field of tourism should be based on a combination of interests of development of the tourism industry of all hierarchical levels and cover several subsystems that are interconnected and directly dependent on each other. The article identifies the components of state policy in the field of tourism, which directly affect the effectiveness of its management contribute to the development and popularization of tourist territories at the regional and local levels. The structure of the management mechanism, which is formed at the expense of state and non-state organizational structures at different levels, affects the development of tourism through the regulatory framework, tax policy, fiscal policy, informatization, etc. Ukraine's membership in the European Tourism Commission helps to increase the rating of a tourist country by promoting Ukraine in the international market of tourism services, acquaintance of foreign citizens with the country's tourism resources, improving the quality of service provision, bringing the standardization and certification system to European standards and creating a positive tourist image.


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