Keywords: war in Ukraine, martial law, tourism, rural areas, communities, farming, rural tourism, agrotourism, agricultural estate, reconstruction, post-war recovery, revitalization, volunteer tourism, solidarity tourism, adaptation of ex-servicemen, employment of war veterans, emotional state, psychological rehabilitation, reboot


The purpose of the study is to find ways to restore domestic agritourism in the rural areas of Ukraine after the end of the war. At the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, tourism greatly reduced its activity, but after a pause, domestic tourism in the communities of some regions gradually began to recover. The war had a negative impact on the emotional and physical condition of citizens. The study shows that Ukrainians began to visit safer places and choose to rest in the countryside. This allows you to rest from overwork, relieve stress, enjoy the silence, recharge thanks to agricultural work, and admire the scenery. They are trying to restore and replenish their internal resources, which in the future can be directed to the reconstruction of destroyed cities and communities, to create places of memory as a reminder of the devastating war. The key issues are finding ways to resuscitate and develop tourism in the post-war period. Problems hindering the development of agrarian tourism - lack of resources for recovery, lack of regulatory and legal regulation of agritourism, inability to compete with top tourist destinations, etc. Studying the experience of a number of European countries that were able to recover after military conflicts shows that the development of tourism after the war is possible. Effective management of the development of rural tourism in Ukraine can bring depressed rural areas to a new, high-quality level.The following measures for the development of agritourism in rural areas in the post-war period are proposed: study of the experience of countries that survived military conflicts; establishment of partnership relations between owners of agricultural estates, farmers, the public and local authorities; new approaches to the formation of an agro-tourism product; improving the quality of agritourism services. Such types of tourism as volunteer and solidarity tourism, which will need to be further developed after Ukraine's victory in this aggressive war, will help restart agritourism. The restoration of domestic agritourism will open up better opportunities for farmers, owners of agricultural estates, and will improve the employment of the rural population. They will be able to quickly recover, diversify their activities, providing tourist services. Ex-servicemen and war veterans may also be interested in running an agro-tourism business. Employment of ex-servicemen in agritourism will help them adapt to the new realities of life, improve their emotional state and turn the experience of war into their strong feature.


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