Keywords: quality, educational services, total quality management, innovative development


The article examines the transformation of the concept of "quality" in the context of the changes and needs of society. Educational institutions are increasingly adopting the methods used to manage businesses. The transformation of higher education is linked to the creation of an innovative, accessible, and high-quality educational environment. The article is aimed at studying the essence of the concept of "quality" in the field of higher education, clarifying the indicators of quality of education in the total quality management as an effective mechanism for ensuring the implementation of a functional management system of education. The modern understanding of the concept of "quality" in education includes quality indicators that are successfully implemented in the business environment and are constantly modernized according to new consumer needs. These include increasing efficiency and productivity, rapid adaptation to the dynamics of social and economic changes, resource management, human centricity, focus on customers and the needs of society, innovation and modernization of the material and technical base and all activities. These indicators form a model of the educational quality management system. They contribute to the innovative development of an educational institution and its competitiveness. The article analyzes the impact of total quality management (TQM) concepts on the understanding of quality in education. The influence of Deming's principles on the development of higher education institutions is highlighted. It is noted that the achievement of quality is based on successful change management and rapid response to new challenges of society. The author proposes the introduction of a functional management system of education based on the four basic principles of J. J. Bonstingl. Given the modernization processes already underway in the higher education system, it is advisable to emphasize the introduction of a functional management system of education based on these fundamental principles, which will combine the structure of interpretive modeling of the quality assurance system and will become the basis for designing conceptual quality indicators and their relationships with key markers, combining them into a systemic model of education quality assurance.


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