Keywords: public administration, educational services, education, reform, development


The article has been devoted to the study of public administration problems in the field of educational services in different countries. It has been established that the formation of the European Higher Education Area over 20 years involves joint cooperation between governments, higher education institutions and stakeholders, who should shape the higher education landscape. Models of public administration in the field of educational services, which have an organizational impact on public relations in the field of educational services for the use of public authority and include the purposeful development, adoption, and implementation of regulatory and coordinating influences, have been investigated. It is established that the choice of the state management model of educational services is related to the specifics of the country’s socio-political conditions. The definition of “public administration of educational services” has been suggested. It has been found that radical changes and structural reforms in the field of modern education are taking place in all countries of the world. The peculiarities of the state policies of most developed countries in the field of education have been analyzed. It is established that the most characteristic experience of foreign countries is the optimal balance between state regulation and autonomy of educational institutions, in particular their management and financing. It has been proved that the autonomy of educational institutions is a global trend, but in each country it is expressed differently. It has been established that in European countries the introduction of democratic state and public management of education is relevant, which is determined by the constitutional and legislative norms of the functioning of the education sphere. It has been proved that, unlike American universities, European ones have less autonomy and, consequently, less freedom. It has been found that European universities rely on government agencies and American universities on public ones, because the US education sector is the responsibility of the state government, not the federal government. The main priorities are proposed: orientation of education on comprehensive development of personality and versatile financial support of educational institutions.


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How to Cite
Samoilyk, I. (2021). ТHE FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF THE GOVERNANCE IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. Economy and Society, (25). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-25-88