Keywords: sustainable development, government environmental policy, economic mechanisms, green investments, decarbonization, climate-neutral economy, green bonds, digital transformation


The paper investigates the economic mechanisms of stimulating green investments and entrepreneurship in Ukraine. It was determined that the largest share of emissions, 42%, falls on the reconstruction of civil infrastructure, 20% of Ukrainian greenhouse gas emissions are caused by hostilities, which indicates the great impact of the military conflict on the ecological situation, and fires, both in forests and in populated areas, amount to 15% of emissions, etc. It has been established that the implementation of new measures envisaged by the European Green Deal strategy will require great efforts, financial costs and significant government support, as this sector accounts for approximately 10% of Ukraine's GDP and almost 40% of total exports, which must overcome significant challenges. It was determined that Kyiv increased its target for the use of renewable energy sources in its energy balance by 2032 to 45%, which is quite high compared to the previous target of 10%. Based on the analysis, it was found that the positive growth of the green future index in 2023 indicates that Ukraine is actively improving its environmental policy, which can play a key role in further economic growth. It has been established that the government's implementation of legislative innovations regarding green bonds, which are defined as securities whose prospectus provides for the use of the funds raised exclusively for the financing of environmental projects or their individual stages. It was established that the adoption by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of the concept of the development of the green bond market for 2022-2023 indicates the state's intentions to develop this market and promote the ecological transformation of the economy. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the main economic mechanisms for stimulating green investments and entrepreneurship include financial incentives, regulation and standards in the economy, trading mechanisms for emissions, public procurement, support programs and consultations. It is determined that the impact of the economic recession on greenhouse gas emissions will have significant long-term consequences in connection with the specific characteristics of the recovery of various sectors of the economy after the war.


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How to Cite
Volosiuk, M., Stepanenko, T., & Maksymova, I. (2024). ECONOMIC MECHANISMS FOR STIMULATING GREEN INVESTMENTS AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Economy and Society, (60).