Keywords: service sector, international trade in services, external trade in services of Ukraine, service market


The article presents a comprehensive examination of Ukraine's international trade in services, drawing insights from Europe and the global landscape. It evaluates the current state of service trade, with a specific focus on recent trends in Europe, where it has notably decelerated. Through an analysis of Ukraine's position in the global services market, including an assessment of its internal exports and imports across various service categories, the article illuminates the country's role and potential in the international services trade arena. Furthermore, it explores the broader context of the contemporary global economy, marked by the rapid expansion of the service sector due to liberalization and globalization. This expansion spans various service sectors, with IT services emerging as a particularly significant growth area in both developed and developing countries. The global services market is on the path to recovery after the COVID-19, much like other sectors of the global economy. Among the most promising directions for the development of the global services market are the establishment of new and expansion of existing connections in the field of services trade between countries and blocs of countries; development of trade in technological and intellectual services; raising the living standards of populations in certain countries and regions through the provision of social services; enhancement of global logistical chains; development of the global tourism industry and increasing volumes of tourist services provided by different countries. Despite promising prospects, Ukraine faces numerous challenges in developing its external trade in services, exacerbated by ongoing conflict and post-war reconstruction complexities. However, the article identifies priority sectors such as automotive freight transportation, computer services, international railway transportation, postal and courier services, and international maritime transport services as areas of opportunity for Ukraine's service trade. By synthesizing insights from Europe and beyond, this article offers valuable perspectives on the opportunities and obstacles in Ukraine's international trade in services, providing a roadmap for strategic development in an ever-evolving global economy.


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How to Cite
Sholom, A., & Kovalenko, R. (2024). STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF FOREIGN TRADE IN SERVICES OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (60).