The relevance of the study lies in revealing the potential of social networks as a tool for promoting and stimulating the sale of tourist products, as well as in understanding how this influence can be optimized to achieve the maximum effect. The article aims to analyze the promotion and promotion of sales of tourist products through social networks, the use of social networks as a strategic tool in the tourism industry, and the determination of their impact on the formation of demand and the choice of tourist products. Social networks play a key role in shaping and changing the demand for tourism services, influencing the choices, perceptions and decisions of potential tourists regarding the choice of a tourism product. The influence of social networks on the field of tourism, the main methods of advertising and their influence on the promotion of a tourist product in social networks were established, and it was also considered how social networks influence the dynamics and nature of demand in the field of tourism and their promotion. Analysis of tourism product promotion metrics provides an opportunity to adjust tourism product promotion strategies in social networks, maximizing their effectiveness and adapting to the needs and behavior of the target audience. Combining different strategies can help create a comprehensive approach to the promotion and marketing of tourism products. To actively promote their services, tourism companies actively use site optimization in search engines, various tools to reach a larger audience (video content of tourist locations, small tourist tests, ticket raffles, life hacks for economical recreation, various methods of promotion on the Internet, webinars, master classes). Evaluating selectivity and churn, tour booking inquiries and conversions, tourist ratings and reviews, website traffic and information requests, average check and incremental spend, as well as loyalty and repeat purchases, enables travel firms and agencies to tailor their strategies to achieving better results in the competitive market of tourist services. As a result of the research, recommendations were formed that can be aimed at maximizing the impact and improving strategies for promoting tourism products through social networks.
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