Keywords: integration processes, agricultural sector, agricultural holdings, cooperatives, clusters, competitiveness, European integration, development strategy


The article examines topical issues of development of integration processes in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Studies of the development of integration processes in the agricultural sector are extremely relevant due to globalization and growing competition in world markets, integration and cooperation of producers, processing enterprises, logistics, trade and other participants in the value chain. The article discusses the main incentives and obstacles to the formation and development of such processes, as well as the potential of key forms of integration - inter-sectoral, vertical and horizontal. The importance of European integration, harmonization of legislation and cooperation with international organizations for successful adaptation to global integration processes is emphasized. SWOT-analyses of the potential of various forms of integration are presented. The conceptual foundations for the formation of a strategy for the development of integrated structures in the agricultural sector are determined. In the course of the study, the key drivers of integration processes were identified: increasing the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex, adaptation to EU requirements, ensuring food security. Obstacles have been identified: imperfect legal framework, lack of investment, insufficient infrastructure, and shortage of personnel. The potential of intersectoral, horizontal and vertical integration to increase competitiveness is substantiated. The conceptual foundations of the strategy for the development of integrated structures based on the principles of sustainability, innovation, and export orientation are defined. The importance of harmonization with international standards and cooperation with the EU and international organizations is emphasized. A comprehensive scientific approach to the study of this issue will allow to define strategic guidelines and develop effective mechanisms for the integration of the domestic agro-industrial complex into the global economic system. The implementation of the results will help to increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian agricultural producers, ensure the country's food security and sustainable development of rural areas.


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