Keywords: anti-crisis management, personnel management, martial law, military conflict, remote work, adaptation of the personnel management system, psychological support for personnel


The relevance of the topic of the article is determined by the fact that with the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, domestic enterprises are faced with a number of problems, such as the termination of operations, closure, transfer to safer places, changes in the terms of payment in the event of the introduction of downtime regime, granting vacations, reducing working hours, transitioning to remote work and other changes. Currently, the country's economy, the economic and physical security of entrepreneurship are in a state of crisis and stress, and until recently, Ukrainian enterprises did not have such experience of functioning under martial law. The works of foreign and domestic scholars do not contain any tools or developed procedures for withdrawal and functioning in the conditions of military aggression, dangerous and unstable environment. The purpose of the article is to study the trends in personnel management during martial law and to systematize effective anti-crisis measures of Ukrainian enterprises, in particular, at PJSC «Zaporizhstal». The following methods were used in the study: analysis of theoretical sources on the adaptation of the personnel management system in crisis conditions, generalization of trends in changes in the personnel management system during martial law, and evaluation of the results. The trends in the field of personnel management at enterprises in the context of martial law were analyzed in the paper. Based on the analysis of literature sources relating to the basic principles of personnel management and general data on statistical studies of trends in this segment of activity of enterprises in wartime, the characteristics of the functions of planning, organization, motivation, control and regulation of employees' activities were determined, for the purpose of their retention at the enterprise. The main conclusions of the conducted study were the generalization of trends in changes and systematization of directions for improving the personnel management system during martial law: - the personnel management system has become more efficient, in particular in terms of personnel selection; - enterprises were forced to get rid of excess employees in non-productive areas, to optimize personnel costs; - conditions and forms of work have changed; - improvement of the system of communication and control over compliance with labor discipline, effective management of working hours, etc.; - changes in the structure of staff maintenance costs; - the need to develop alternative methods of motivation and psychological support is one of the most important tasks of building an effective personnel management system during martial law.


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How to Cite
Tsalko , T., Nevmerzhytska, S., & Ptukha, A. (2024). ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT OF PERSONNEL DURING THE WAR. Economy and Society, (60).