Financial management is crucial in managing the finances of international projects since it shapes the company’s strategic decisions both at the general level and within individual divisions. Consideration of financial aspects is a necessary element to ensure the success and efficiency of projects operating in a global context. The globalization of economic processes, the transition of business entities to a market economy, and Ukraine’s accession to the World Trade Organization have, to an unknown extent, led to an increase in the number of financially unproductive enterprises. In the context outlined, management of finances is defined as the purposeful influence of management bodies on financial processes and operations in order to achieve and ensure the harmony of financial stability, profit and financial security for achieving economic and social goals. A distinctive feature of financial management is the strategic creation of a mechanism for redistributing financial resources between and within different participants in the financial system, including activities aimed at mobilizing and efficiently using financial resources. The management of enterprises’ finances is based on objective and subjective laws of social development, taking into account and using the principles of distribution of finished products and gross income of the enterprise. Financial restructuring through global investment defines a strategic approach to managing finances in international projects aimed at minimizing costs and maximizing performance. This approach involves a thorough analysis and rationalization of cost elements through the effective use of enterprise resources. Moreover, financial restructuring seeks to strike the best possible balance between risks and returns, enabling the business to adapt quickly to shifting circumstances in global marketplaces. This includes allocating investments across various sectors and different industries in order to maintain an ideal portfolio balance. This approach to financial restructuring is aimed at providing sustainability and competitiveness of the enterprise in the global market environment, ensuring a balance between efficiency, innovation and financial stability.
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