Development in any society largely depends on the effectiveness of the human potential involved in social reproduction. In this aspect, increasing human potential both quantitatively and qualitatively and stimulating its implementation in the national economy is an important condition for social progress. The leading role in the development of human potential belongs primarily to higher education and science, which form its competences and innovative component. A high level of education and science is the basis of the development of the national economy of Ukraine, social and economic development of society. Expenditures on education contribute to improving the quality and accessibility of education. Investing in education helps to create qualified labor potential, which increases the economic level of the country. An educated population is capable of developing new technologies, solving complex problems and increasing competitiveness at the international level. Spending on science contributes to scientific research, innovation and the development of new technologies. All this expands the scientific potential of the country and stimulates economic development through the creation of new industries and improvement of the population's life. Thus, spending on education and science is a key tool of social development, contributing to economic growth, improving the quality of life and preparing the country for the challenges of the future. Budget expenditures, as a significant tool for ensuring quality changes in the economy and social sphere, do not yet sufficiently correspond to the role and importance that is placed on them at this stage of social development. Today, the use of budget expenditures in Ukraine does not yet correspond to the strategic tasks and aspirations of society in various spheres of economic and social life. Therefore, the search for methods and methods of increasing the effectiveness of budget expenditures as a tool for implementing effective budget policy in the system of socio-economic development of the country is extremely relevant for modern science.
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